PTO Fundraising

At Trinity Elementary School the PTO does our best to raise money while keeping it very easy for our families to contribute.


The PTO will be raising funds to help our school purchase needed technology, additional programs, make building improvements, and provide various materials that are not within our regular school budget.


We have both active and passive fundraisers.


Active Fundraising

  • Spirit Nights: We will have these throughout the year in partnership with local restaurants who give a portion of the proceeds back to us! Be on the lookout for our next one.
  • INVEST in TES: Invest in TES is Trinity's largest fundraiser of the year. The timing of this campaign allows for all funds raised and donated to TES to be spent in the current school year on items that benefit current students' education & school experience.
    For more information about INVEST in TES please click here

Passive Fundraising

The PTO participates in year-round "passive fundraising" activities with the partners listed here. These programs give back a percentage of your shopping purchases.


For more information about passive fundraising please click here